Guggie Daly posted a comment:

I’m sorry for your loss! I wish that along with the routine testing and routine administration of antibiotics, the CDC would compel doctors to share the warning signs/symptoms with EVERY mother. Antibiotics given during labor are not 100% effective, but the false sense of security can lead to a fast, deadly ending.

I wish you would edit this to add the warning symptoms of neonatal infection and to tell the parents what to do when those symptoms are present.

She makes a good point!

I don’t have audio or video of all the warning signs, but I do have at least good audio and video of the “labored breathing” or “grunting” that Wren was exhibiting. Feel free to use and distribute the clips below however you’d like.. and if you have any other media examples of GBS warning signs and symptoms, please post links to them in the contents and I’ll update this post!

The stated warning signs are: breathing issues or grunting, difficulty feeding (especially if they fed earlier), fever or other temperature issues, seizures, stiffness, extreme limpness, or any unusual change in behavior.

Go to the emergency room if any of these symptoms occur, or if you’re not sure. Newborn babies are very delicate!


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