Happy First Birthday Juney!

Juney turned one on Thursday, and they had a poster for her at school. We visited Wren’s new monument and went to the mall and had some Tutti Frutti, and had a little party on Saturday! After the party we visited Stephani, Kyle, Gavin, and Rudy’s new house in Rancho Palos Verdes…. Your browser does […]

Juney By The Arms

Baby pull ups.

A Juney A Day, January 2012

“January 2012 is a good place to start!” From A Me A Day 2012-01, posted by Juney Jones on 1/02/2012 (31 items) 2012-01-01 Day 33 2012-01-02 Day 34 2012-01-03 Day 35 2012-01-04 Day 36 2012-01-05 Day 37 2012-01-06 Day 38 2012-01-07 Day 39 2012-01-08 Day 40 2012-01-09 Day 41 2012-01-10 Day 42 2012-01-11 Day 43 […]

A Juney A Day

Updated semi-automatically from Facebook! “Someday I’ll turn these all into a video! Maybe when she’s 18.” From A Juney A Day, posted by Josh Jones on 12/08/2011 (33 items) 2011-11-29 Day 0 2011-11-30 Day 1 2011-12-01 Day 2 2011-12-02 Day 3 2011-12-03 Day 4 2011-12-04 Day 5 2011-12-05 Day 6 2011-12-06 Day 7 2011-12-07 Day […]

Hello World!

(Not Wren!) Well, sort of Wren… Juney Wren Jones was born at 11:08AM PST on Tuesday, November 29th at Ronald Reagan UCLA Hospital. She is 18.5″ long and 7.25 lbs heavy and she kind of looks like this: So far so good! Tweeny is doing fine too! If you want to email Juney (she can […]

The Inside Scoop

My dad doesn’t want to know the gender, so he better not read this post! We just went back for our twenty week checkup/ultrasound and as usual they gave us a DVD which I have ripped to YouTube (it’s just everything they did.. 17:10 long.. I cut out the first 2:20 of the intern bumbling […]

Same story, different ending!

Rhianna just commented on the gbs and alternative remedies post: Hi there! I was just reading your blog. You are correct in saying there is so little out there about the Dangers of GBS… my son was born just 2 weeks before your Wren, he got pneumonia caused my GBS also. Luckily, we were in […]

New Babies!

I say “babies”, but it’s just one. I say “babies” because we thought early on maybe we’d have twins because we did IUI and right before the doctor injected my spermies he saw two eggs! And because Tweeny got so big so fast this time! But it’s just one, and it’s a boy or a […]